Empowering Conversations: English Language Practice for Santri in the Morning

In the serene morning hours at the Islamic boarding school, a group of enthusiastic santri (students) gathered under the shade of a large tree after the Fajr (dawn) prayer. These dedicated individuals had a shared mission—to enhance their English language skills through engaging conversations.
Initiating the Dialogue
“Assalamu’alaikum, everyone! How are you all doing this morning?” greeted Ali, one of the proactive participants.
“Wa’alaikum salam, Ali! Alhamdulillah, feeling great. How about you?” replied Ahmad, with a smile.
The morning breeze brought a sense of freshness to their discussion, as they eagerly awaited the start of their language practice.
Setting the Tone for Learning
“Has anyone had breakfast yet?” inquired Ali, trying to break the ice.
“Not yet, Ali. What about you?” asked Ahmad, genuinely interested.
“I haven’t either. Perhaps after our first lesson,” responded Ali thoughtfully.
Focusing on the Lesson Ahead
“Does anyone know what our English lesson topic is for today?” Fatimah queried, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.
“We’ll be learning everyday expressions in English,” Rina chimed in, eager to share.
“Sounds exciting! That means we can practice them right here,” Ahmad remarked, his enthusiasm contagious.
Engaging in Practice
“Absolutely! Starting from now, let’s try conversing in English as much as possible,” suggested Ali, always proactive.
“Good idea, Ali! I’m in,” affirmed Fatimah enthusiastically.
The group began conversing in English, using the simple phrases and expressions they had been learning. Despite some occasional mistakes, their determination and eagerness shone through.
Expanding the Circle
“What if we invite more friends to join our English practice?” Rina suggested, her eyes sparkling with the potential.
“Great idea, Rina! The more, the merrier,” agreed Ahmad wholeheartedly.
“I know a few others who would be interested. Let’s form an English learning group,” proposed Fatimah, her voice filled with conviction.
Planning for Growth
“Alright, let’s plan it after our lessons today,” Ali concluded, already visualizing the expansion of their language learning initiative.
With this newfound resolve and camaraderie, they envisioned a vibrant community of English learners within their santri circle. Each morning, they would continue these empowering conversations, building their English proficiency one dialogue at a time.
In the tranquil surroundings of the pesantren, these dedicated santri embarked on a journey of language discovery and empowerment. Through their morning conversations, they not only honed their English skills but also fostered a sense of collaboration and growth within their community.
As the sun rose higher in the sky, illuminating their determined faces, it was evident that these morning language sessions were not just about learning words—they were about building bridges and expanding horizons.